Sacred Journey, my spa treatment with a psychic


Rarely have I been more eager to book a spa treatment as when I booked the Sacred Journey at the Salt Cave and Spa in Lewisburg, West Virginia. I have to admit that curiosity got the better of me when I read that I could book a healing session with a psychic. The biography for my therapist, Cari, listed extensive training in the healing arts. She is a massage therapist, spiritual healer, energy healer, intuitive guide, meditation guide, and Tarot card reader. She is also a fire dancer and instructor! Whoa, what a résumé!

I have an active imagination, so until I actually met Cari at the spa, I had all kinds of thoughts about what this treatment is all about. What I experienced was an intriguing combination of the physical and the metaphysical. In session, we sat directly across from one another at the massage table. She explained her background to me and asked me about what I was interested in, what was on my mind and how I would like to use this session. She explained that she is not a “Vegas style” psychic, but rather has communication with those who have departed. She also explained that she is a medium for what she described as “spirits.” Since I had no real burning desire to speak with any dead relatives, I chose to concentrate on something that has been on my mind in my personal life. I specifically did not book my girlfriend Denise for this treatment, as she is a new widow, and we had booked this trip as a fun day. I did not want any negative thoughts or depressing feelings brought out on this afternoon.

This is similar to the card I chose, yet I did not want to ask to take a phot during the middle of our session
This is similar to the card I chose. A tarot book tells me key points are: Strong, career-oriented, has had a hard life, doesn’t trust men, a well-balanced mother, divorced or widowed. Cari did not need a book!

After our discussion of my issue, one that involves my personal meditation practice, Cari asked me to cut the Tarot deck. She laid out the cards in a non-traditional fashion, and asked me to point to the one that interested me the most. I chose a queen with swords. She was right side up. At that point, I was instructed to lie on my back at top the amethyst biomat on the massage table. Cari then guided me in a brief breathing meditation. Once I was in a relaxed state, she placed her hands on my arms to get a reading. She continued to ask me follow-up questions from our earlier, seated, conversation.

Sacred Journey healing session
Sacred Journey healing session

She shared with me her thoughts on my “problem,” and gave me some advice. This treatment was very much like a traditional mental health therapy session with one big exception, Cari used her intuition to tell me what she thought I should consider. In a typical psychotherapy environment, talk therapy is used by the counselor or physician with the intent to guide your thoughts or behaviors through a series of questions to reframe your perception of an event. Generally, one does not get advice from a doctor on the next step. It is their goal to make you think of the resolution yourself. This session was similar to the conversation we had, but different in that she was willing to listen to my intuition, her intuition, and the message of any “spirit.” The result of the session did help me make up my mind about an issue that I had been on the fence about.

It is important to note that many times I can be pretty fun and chatty in a spa. Cari set the tone for a more serious mental healing to take place. So we did not take my typical, goofy, spa selfie as it would have seemed inappropriate. We discussed my spirituality and she used my Buddhist training as a frame for discussion. This conversation would have been similar for someone who is Christian or another faith. I found it interesting that she referred to this messenger or guide as “spirit,” and I don’t think that any of my more open-minded Christian friends would have been freaked out or offended. At the end of the session, just as I find in my regular practice, the answers come from within. It is in this stillness and directed meditation that you may come to answer a question or issue you may have.

I found this session very interesting and helpful. I would recommend a Sacred Journey session to anyone who is open to sharing personal details in a private setting with no judgement. Cari is a kind and thoughtful person and takes her sessions very seriously. I only wish I had an itching desire to speak with a dead relative, but it just didn’t seem to be in the cards for me on this day. I would book another session with Cari. Just know that she is not theatrical or flashy. She truly wants to help people heal. If something is really bothering you and you have not found the right person to share this information with, Cari might just be the person for you to visit.

Things to consider for this treatment:

The treatment needs to be approached respectfully, long periods of silence do occur, no spa music in this treatment.

One does not need to disrobe for this treatment.

This treatment is only available at the Salt Cave and Spa on a seasonal basis, as it is only available when Cari is available. Call ahead for this one.

Ok, so I have had Tarot cards read before, but this was my second experience with a medium. I had my palm read many years ago and lots of the stuff I was told did come true. Have you been to a medium and what was it like? Did you find them truthful or helpful?


No special consideration was given other than being a paying guest at this spa. This is my life.