Site icon Enlightened Spa Review

Golden Door, the best destination spas go beyond pampering.

The very best spas in the world do much more than provide a great spa treatment. They understand our need to connect with something bigger than ourselves. They understand our place within nature. They provide the awe that inspires us to feed ourselves spiritually and grow within our own self care. Education takes place at these healing centers. If we are open to it, we have the opportunity to learn while we visit these retreats. This is why spa travel is my passion.

I applaud Golden Door for making this video series available to everyone at no charge. I am reposting this video because this is exactly the type of passion and excellence that I look for when I visit a destination spa. It is my wish to for others to see that a great spa can change the way you see yourself and the world. This video is a pure example of what the very best destination spas in the world actually provide.

Wikipedia suggests a definition of self care:

“In health care, self care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated. Some place self care on a continuum with health care providers at the opposite end to self care. In modern medicine, preventive medicine aligns most closely with self care.”

Golden Door, thank you for sharing!

I have not been to Golden Door, but it is at the very top of my bucket list. This is my life.

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